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Is Non Allergic Rhinitis the Cause of my Problems?

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 11 Mar 2013 | comments*Discuss
Is Non Allergic Rhinitis The Cause Of My Problems?


I am 21 years old and back in February suffered a bad cold which caused my ears to pop all the time. I have been told by one ENT person that it's low pressure in my ears, but by another that I do not have any ear problems, my hearing is good.

I am feeling cut off from what I am doing, and feel unaware at times, does this have anything to do with my ears? I have had my blood checked and I have non-allergic rhinitis. What could be the cause of me feeling like this?

(Mr John Disley, 8 October 2008)


When someone has a bad cold, fluid can build up in the ear canal and occasionally after it seems the cold has long gone, some of this fluid can remain. Sometimes it can take several months for the ears to drain properly which can leave hearing affected; some people have likened this occurrence as feeling as though their head is in a bowl of water.In most cases the fluid will usually drain away by itself whilst for others an infection may develop or the fluid is too thick to drain away without assistance.

If I were you I would go back to the doctor in a week or two if it hasn't improved and ask them to make sure there is no infection or fluid remaining. If there is a simple ear syringing procedure may be enough to help the fluid drain away, otherwise as short course of anti-biotics may be necessary if a persistent infection has occurred although many doctors do not advocate the use of these medications for ear infections very often these days.

Non-allergic rhinitis may be the cause of your symptoms and may be assisted by having a recent head cold. This complaint causes the lining of your nose to inflame which can lead to a runny nose and often fluid dripping from your nasal passages down your throat which is known as a post-nasal drip. If this has occurred whilst the head cold was present you may have a greater than normal collection of fluid. Normally this condition is not dangerous but may be exacerbated by certain particles or aromas in the air around you so try ruling things like this out by altering the products you use regularly or just before a particularly bad attack.

The ears can feel as though they are popping because of pressure changes which can increase in severity if you are at altitude or experience a sudden change in atmospheric pressure and normally this is not harmful.As your normal daily activities are affected by this I really do think the best course of action is to see your doctor again. you never know, it may simply be a case of using olive oil and keeping the ears warm to help solve or improve this problem.

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