Common Ear Conditions...
Below are our articles on the subject of Common Ear Conditions. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Acoustic Neuroma: Benign Tumour from Auditory Nerve
Acoustic neuroma is a type of benign tumour found around the auditory nerve of the central nervous system. Treatment will usually require surgery or a course of…...

Allergies and Ear Health
The ears can be affected by an allergic reaction to many things. Food allergies, nickel allergy and skin disorders can all affect the health of our ears....

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease
Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease is a relatively newly discovered problem caused by the body's natural immune systemm sending anti-bodies to the ear to fight an infection…...

Barotrauma is a relatively harmless condition, often descibed when the ears 'pop' such as when in an aeroplane or when underwater. It is caused by the ears' inability…...

Cauliflower Ears
Cauliflower ears occur due to trauma to the cartilage of the outer structure of the ear. This cartilage normally gives the ear it shape, but when damaged can die and…...

A cholesteatoma is a non-malignant growth of the middle or inner ear, and can be of a congenital origin, or as a consequence of an alternative complaint of the ear. It…...

Common Vestibular Disorders
Vestibular disorders are illnesses that affect the inner ear causing balance problems. The most common include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, labyrinthitis and…...

Cysts and Tumours in the Ear
The ear is not an organ that is often affected by cancer but ear tumours can form, both on the outer flap of the ear, and inside the middle ear. Treatment usually…...

Dizziness: Is it Caused by a Virus?
Viral infections are a common cause of dizziness and vertigo, because the infection can affect the nerves in the inner ear....

Ear Canal Blockage
Ear canal blockage can be common in all age groups and affects men and women alike. It is particularly common in children and can be due to a build-up of wax, by the…...

Ear Infection
Ear infections can be a very unpleasant experience for the sufferer and symptoms can vary from person to person.
Infections of the ear are most likely to affect the…...

Head Trauma and the Ear
Not only are the skull and brain at risk when a head injury is sustained, so too are the ears. Perforation of the ear drum, fractures and dislocation are all injuries…...

Labyrinthitis occurs when inflammatrion and infection occurs in the structures of the inner ear. Normally these structures allow us to balance, manage motion and hear…...

Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome
Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome is a fairly new discovery to medicine and continues to be researched and understood. It is thought to develop in childhood and is…...

Mastoiditis is not a common disorder in modern societry thanks to the development of anti-biotic treatments. It occurs when an infection of the middle ear spreads to…...

Meniere's Disease and the Inner Ear
Meniere's disease is a term given when a person is suffering from one or a collection of a variety of given symtpoms. It is not totally understood and a definate cause…...

Objects In The Ear
The most likely age group to suffer from having a foreign body in the ear is young children, though very occasionally an adult may find that they have lost a hearing…...

Otitis Media and Infection of the Middle Ear
Otitis media is a term given to an infection of the middle ear. It is normally of bacterial origin and is usually short-lived and causes no long term damage....

Perforated Eardrum
A perforation of the ear drum involves damage to the round vibrating structure that lays between the outer and middle ear. It is not normally serious and will usually…...

Pressure Sores and the Ears
Many people, especially those who are in hospital and are vulnerable to wounds, may find that their ears are at risk of tissue damage and pressure sores....

Psoriasis and the Ear
Psoriasis is a common skin disease that affects about five per cent of the population in the UK. It takes many forms and, in some people, can affect the skin inside…...

Sensorineural Deafness and Noise Damage
Sensorineural deafness is hearing loss that is related to problems of the inner ear of pathways connecting the ear to the brain. There are many conditions incorporated…...

Swimmer's Ear
Swimmer's ear is the result of an infection of the outer ear and ear canal. It can be caused by a variety of reasons though commonly, spending prolonged amounts of…...

The Effects of Over Exposure to Water: Surfer's Ear
Surfer's ear is a complaint of the ear canal whereby bone growths develop and eventually obstruct the canal. Usually caused by over exposure to cold weather conditions…...

Tinnitus and Treatments Available
Tinnitus is the name given to the condition of experiencing buzzing, humming, whistling or ringing in the ears. For most people, this condition is temporary and…...

Usher's Syndrome: Deterioration of Sight and Hearing
Usher's Syndrome is a disorder affecting a persons ability to both see and hear effectively. It is a genetic condition passed from both paretns who must be carriers of…...

Vertigo and the Inner Ear
Vertigo is a very unpleasant disorder causing varying amounts of anxiety and distress for the sufferer. Normally these episodes are short-lived and do not recur…...

What is Glue Ear?
Glue ear is a very common condition, especially in childhood. It has many causes with the most common being a persitant or recurring ear infection....