Children & Ear Health...
Below are our articles on the subject of Children & Ear Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Discharge from the Ear or 'Otorrhea'
Otorrhea is a common and normally non-serious occurrence given when there is discharge from the ear.
The cause of the discharge must be found in order to rule out…...

Excess Wax
Ear wax is a naturally formed and useful substance found in the ears and acts as a protective layer, shielding the deeper structures of the ears from many harmful…...

Football Clubs for the Deaf
Deaf football is very active in the UK today but is not a new idea, having been around since the early 1870s. Sheffield set up the first official deaf football club,…...

Genetic Testing and Deafness
Genetic testing for deafness in children, either by testing the parents or performing pre-implantation diagnosis of embryos may be technically straightforward but it…...

Hearing Problems in Children Due to CMV Infection
CMV infection is caused by cytomegalovirus, a member of the herpes family. When it affects a pregnant women, it can cause damage to the growing baby, leading to many…...

Hearing Tests for Newborn Babies
It is common for newborn babies to now undergo a new screening procedure that aims to detect hearing loss. It is a painless test that only takes a few minutes and…...

Is There a Vaccine to Reduce Ear Infections?
Scientists have recently developed a new vaccine that could see the end of middle ear infections in very young children. These infections are extremely common in the…...

Is There Such a Thing as a Lazy Ear?
Children can develop a lazy ear as well as a lazy eye. If repeated ear infections cause temporary deafness, this can reduce the formation of nerve connections in the…...

Measles, German Measles and Deafness
If children or adults catch measles, mumps or German measles, complications of all three infections can cause hearing loss. Only German measles can be passed on to an…...

Objects In The Ear
The most likely age group to suffer from having a foreign body in the ear is young children, though very occasionally an adult may find that they have lost a hearing…...

Pneumococcal Meningitis and Deafness
Pneumococcal meningitis can cause deafness because the infection, and the body’s response to it, damages nerve cells in the cochlea in the inner ear....

Prominent Ears: How They Can Affect Children
Some children have very prominent ears, which can make them a target for school bullies. This can harm their self esteem and lead to life-long problems with self image....

The Connection Between Hearing and Speech
Hearing and speech are intimately connected. A child who has never been able to hear needs intensive speech therapy to be able to communicate in this way....

Use of Antibiotics in Children's Ear Infections
Traditional treatments for children's ear infections were antibiotics, but recent evidence has suggested that this is no longer an effective method unless the…...

What is Glue Ear?
Glue ear is a very common condition, especially in childhood. It has many causes with the most common being a persitant or recurring ear infection....

What Types of Congenital Hearing Problems Are There?
Congenital hearing problems are those that are present in a baby right from the time that it is born. They can be caused by genetics or by problems with infection…...