Ear Treatments...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ear Treatments. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Can Music Help Tinnitus?
New research done in Germany suggests that individually tailored music therapy can reduce tinnitus if listened to for at least 12 hours a day on a regular basis....
Drugs to Prevent Noise-induced Hearing Loss
Having a drug treatment that could be given during or after noise exposure that would limit or repair damage to the ear would represent a considerable advance...
Ear Candling for Reducing Ear Wax Build Up
Ear candling is an old fashioned method of removing wax from the ears. It is not recommended by ear health professionals in the UK and is usually now offered by…...
Ear Drops and Their Uses
Eard rops are a safe and effective way of introducing medications into the ear. The preparations used may be presrcibed anti-biotics or steroids, or oils or chemicals…...
Ear Injections for Meniere's Disease
Meniere’s disease affects the inner ear, so it causes dizziness, vertigo, loss of balance, sickness and hearing loss. There are various treatments, including ear…...
Glomus Tumours: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Glomus tumours are cancerous growths that start in nerves associated with the jugular vein, one of the main veins that takes blood away from the brain....
Grommets and Your Ear
Grommets are commonly used tube shaped devices used for the treatment of persistent middle ear infections where fluid continues to build-up, called 'glue ear'. They…...
How Does a Cochlear Implant Work?
A cochlear implant is an implanted device that turns sound waves into electrical impulses that are sent directly to the auditory nerve, allowing a profoundly deaf…...
A myringoplasty is a surgical operation perofrmed to seal a hole in the ear drum that has not healed naturally. It requires the use of a skin graft that will be taken…...
A myringotomy is a surgical procedure used for relieving fluid build-up and infection behind the ear drum. a small incision is made into the ear drum and often a…...
Otoplasty or Pinning Back of the Ears
Otoplasty is a surgical term meaning pinning back of the ears. Many people are highly sensitive to their physical imperfections or are subject to bullying and ridicule…...
Tinnitus Maskers
Tinntius maskers are electronic devices designed to help diffuse the sound disturbances experienced with tinntius. They aim to produce white noise which causes the…...
Types of Ear Surgery
Ear surgery can be used to repair damaged structures within the inner ear, to remove ear tumours, to fit cochlear implants and grommets and to replace the external…...
Use of Antibiotics for Ear Infections
Anti-biotics are effective medications used for the treatment of bacterial infections. In modern society however, their overuse has caused super-bugs to develop which…...
What is an Ototoxic Drug?
Several classes of drugs that are used for pain relief, heart and kidney problems, infections and cancer are ototoxic and can damage the inner ear, causing…...
What is Auricular (ear) Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture is a form of complementary therapy based on the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture. The use of fine needles, placed in specific locations of the…...
What to Expect from Ear Surgery
Ear surgery can be a very frightening prospect for the person who is to undergo a procedure. Doctors and nurses alike understand this and will try to help make your…...